Michael Webster: Investigative 27th October 2008 in 12:01 PDT
Mexican drug cartels, Hezbollah (Party of God) and other Islamic terrorist groups are joining forces in Mexico. Hezbollah is synonymous with terror, suicide bombings, kidnappings and beheadings. No wonder the criminal organizations in Mexico seem to have adopted many Middle Eastern terrorist tactics with kidnappings and beheadings happening throughout Mexico.
According to authorities global Islamic terrorist have moved into Mexico and other Latin American countries to open the door for Mexican cartels have excess to Afghanistan cocaine at bargain basement prices, and profits from the sale and transferred to Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations around the world to attack inside the state. Hezbollah is known to be raising money for their cause in the U.S. and some Americans say that they have brought suite case dirty barriers in the U.S. and await further instructions. Hezbollah is currently training Mexican cartel enforcement gang members. They are teaching their gorilla terror tactic to use in the Middle East. A senior Mexican military officer, who at his request remain anonymous says Hezbollah is now believed to be training Mexican cartel enforcers the art bomb-making. It is now fear that they will soon be car and truck bombings of Mexican soldiers at the many roads that have been set up throughout Mexico, their barracks, police stations and even government buildings are opasnosti.Trening is designed to combat the Mexican Army and police, U.S. Special forces and DEA agents now operating in Mexico.
According to Mexican officials Hezbollah is training the Mexican army and the opposition starts to be seen across the country. There are new late hit and run tactics against Mexican military set up on roads where the attackers and Mexican soldiers were killed.
Homeland Security said they were members of Hezbollah operating in the U.S. and it is reasonable to believe that they are in contact with other Hezbollah in Mexico and around the world. In addition to other terrorist attacks, Hezbollah is bound by the 1983 Marine barracks bombing in Beirut that left 241 U.S. personnel dead, and the 1996 Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia that left 19 dead American soldiers.
a U.S. law official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that considerable forensic evidence tying Hezbollah bomb experts to roadside explosions in Iraq.
Dennis Lormel, who founded the counterterrorist financing program at the FBI, said that the United States is a cash cow for Hezbollah.
"They raise funds through business fronts, through criminal activities, use of shell companies and through fundraising mechanisms," he says.
before 11 September, 2001, Hezbollah was responsible for more American deaths than any other terrorist organization. Hassan Nasrallah, the group secretary general, recently proclaimed "Death to America, is and will remain our motto ."
Despite all this, the terror and violence in Mexico, Mexican officials are encouraging Americans to visit Mexico in a new tourism campaign. However, with more than 1,200 people have been killed this year alone in the Ciudad Juarez, which is not happening. Juarez has a population of 1.5 million people more, depending on American tourist dollars. But many El Pasons who live in El Paso border city of about 350,000 say they are just to frighten to risk going into Mexico.
in Mexico violence of terror along with the world of banking and financial crises that are happening today are forcing drastic changes in the rate of tourism in Mexico, especially border regions from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. Mexico is heavily dependent on tourism and U.S. investors, and both are dry. Oil and drugs are now in Mexico, official and unofficial or principal to remain what the economy.
from Brownsville Texas to San Diego in California in the drug-related dangers and violence, so striking that the land was declared off-limits to all U.S. military. Residents on the American side of the border said Laguna Journal that they are afraid to cross to visit family, shop or do business anywhere along the border.
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